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近期,通信与信息工程系科技协会传来喜讯,继上次两名同学的科技论文被录用后,又有两名同学的论文被录用,分别是物联网创新工作室成员、16物联网工程专业学生杨蕊铭王小玄同学所写的两篇论文Modeling and Prediction of New Energy Use《基于平均等待时间最小化的电梯自适应调度方案设计》分别被2019 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Natural Resources《创新科技》录用。

杨蕊铭,荣获过北京邮电大学优秀团支书,优秀团员等多项荣誉。在校期间积极参加校内外活动,参与多项学科竞赛并积极参加世园会志愿者活动。完成论文Modeling and Prediction of New Energy Use》并被2019 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Natural Resources录用。其他学生作者:商子彦 杨凯。



This paper looks into clean energy consumption in the four states of California (CA), Arizona(AZ), New Mexico(NM) and Texas (TX) by analyzing and comparing the methods of energy consumption, the similarity and difference of their energy composition and the causes for it, and finding out the state with the optimal ways of energy consumption, and based on it, predicts the future energy composition of these states and proposes a target for interstate energy convention. And through multiple regression analysis, and the corresponding indicators of the methods of energy consumption in these states, we compare the ways of new energy consumption in these states, and analyze the difference from the perspective of industries and geographies in these states, which prepares necessary reference for the following modeling. After some basic analysis of the data, we establish a multi-attribute decision making to find a state with optimal composition of energies through the five indicators of energy composition, volume of clean energy consumption etc; and based on the analysis, we find the different characteristics of energy consumption in these states. Then we set up a GM (1,1) model to make prediction based on the data of energy consumption of the near 20 years and project energy consumption of the four states in 2025 and 2050. By means of comparing with different models, we have nearly the same conclusion: CA is a state with optimal energy combination and has best practice for future development. There in projecting the 2025 and 2050 energy consumption, we can use CA as a reference state and set such as the target for energy convention between these four states.

Key words: Multiple regression analysis, multi-attribute decision making, principal component analysis.

指导教师:李雷远、刘刚、任国芳、吴娱、张长江、 张震






关键词:模糊神经网络;电梯群控;多目标规划;模糊规则                                     (通信与信息工程系 李是尧供稿)